Wearable computers?
* extra counterweight builds muscles.
* can be supplementally powered by backpack solar cells. ( http://www.voltaicsystems.com/ http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/announcements... ).
* can use those thin moments spent walking to and from places to ask questions on Y!A.
* can use Y!A (or Yahoo! Maps) if you carry lost.
* extra weight can be tiring and slow you down.
* everyone who know you will know you're never offline and will bug you at the worst possible times.
* have to stay out of the rainfall.
* accidentally collide with other pedestrians (or amble off the border of a cliff) while doing a WoW quest or posting to your blog.
* free nationwide wireless access is unlikely to start, so you will be forced to spend a lot of time close at hand access points.
* likely to receive stolen in public restroom while you are otherwise populated.
The answers post by the user, for information only, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.
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