Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What should you look for surrounded by a graphics card? I hear that the MB arent the just things to look for?

Also, what is considered good next to the other things i have to look for?

What should you look for surrounded by a graphics card? I hear that the MB arent the just things to look for?

Things to monitor:

1. GPU architecture= the more the pixel & vertex shaders or the stream processors, the better. At least 12 pixel shaders or 32 stream processors should be upright.

2. Core clock = 500 mhz or higher the better

3. On board memory clock = better the better. ddr<ddr2<ddr3<ddr4. Get nothing smaller amount than dd3

4. Good but not noisy GPU cooler for sustained presentation over long gaming hours

5. Power requirement = good cards draw considerable amount of power, for the most part on the +12V rails. Be sure your power supply is strong on that guiderail. 16 amps or higher for prevailing conditions power cards, at least 25 amps for powerful cards and 30 amps minimum for monster cards.

The answers post by the user, for information solitary, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.

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