What channel are available next to the Pinnacle PCTV HD Pro Usb stick.?
That would depend on which country you are contained by and which channels you subscribe to. The Pinnacle PCTV HD Pro USB should receive adjectives Freeview Channels, in the UK but for Satelite / Cable Channels, you will still require a decoder of which you will entail to connect to your PC. As for those Channels that you mention, I wouldn't bother going through the inconvenience and expense when better Channels are available for free. Instead of Cartoon Network, Disney etc. CBBC and CITV are much better. CBBC runs quality children's programs and have no advertising whereas the US companies run loads of exposure and poor quality cartoon in between. If you are within the UK, I would recommend that you get a Freeview box as they are solely lb25 to lb30 now and connect it to your PC via a honest TV Card. Total cost will be around lb85 to lb90 (possibly a little cheaper) and soak up the Freeview Channels. Film 4 shows top movies from 9pm every night, ITV 3 and ITV 4 regularly show movies, you can receive the History Channel, BBC 3 own excellent comedies ( Two Pints, Little Britain etc. etc.), BBC News 24 has not long been voted the best News Channel contained by the world and if you must have the so call comedies (crap) from the US you can always monitor Five US. On top of those, you still have BBC1, BBC2, ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5. Have to travel now as there's a well brought-up US Documentary on Channel 4. It's called The Simpsons and it's adjectives about a typical American Family LOL
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